Healing Heart Foundation is a non-profit organization
dedicated to funding research that documents effective
strategies to alleviate pain in children with cancer.
Our goal is to standardize approaches to pain and palliative
care so that suffering is minimized and quality of life
is improved. Additionally, we are committed to clinical
care for children by helping to deliver comprehensive
services that will minimize or eliminate acute and/or
chronic pain symptoms. The Foundation also helps children
learn to cope with the pain associated with advanced illness.
The Healing Heart Foundation supports both research and
clinical areas of pain management for children with cancer.
research study we are currently involved in is entitled,
"The Assessment of Quality of Life in Children with
Cancer Confronting Advanced Disease." A new protocol
is presently being tested at various pediatric cancer
centers across the United States. In terms of actual clinical
care we have also supported the establishment of the David
Center for Pain and Palliative Care at Hackensack University
Medical Center. This center provides a team approach for
children that are hurting. A pediatrician/oncologist,
a psychologist and an advanced nurse practitioner work
together to give constant comprehensive care. It is one
of the only pediatric pain centers in New Jersey. This
past year we have initiated a program where "pain
rounds" are done on all pediatric in hospital patients.
An advanced nurse practicioner is dedicated only to pain
needs of the children.